Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Quirkiest Quirks

I have been tagged by Chrissy and Jaclyn about my quirks, so I better get busy on this post. They are basically the same tag so here goes....

The Rules:
a) Link Person who tagged you. b) List rules c) List 6 quirks d) Tag 6 people

Bonus quirk:

7. I, like Jaclyn, love love love to pop zits. So gross, but so fun.


6. I LOVE Lipgloss. I mean I really love lipgloss. I can leave the house with no make-up, but I HaVe to have liploss on. One of my friends gave me a make-up bag FULL of lipgloss for my birthday last year and it was Awesome(thanks Rachel)! Jess buys me lipgloss at Costco. That, my friends is how much I love it!

5. I am revealing something really gross about me... I have 2-3 little hairs that grow out of my chin. 8( It grosses me out so much, that I am constantly feeling my chin to make sure they are not growing. If they are, I hurry and get them with tweezer. I LOVE getting them with a tweezer. One time last fall, I was driving back from CA. with Darci(sis) and she was barely preggo and very upset and annoyed about me feeling my chin all of the way home. No tweezer + annoying hair = I felt my chin the whole way home. Now that I think about it, that would be annoying. sorry.

4. I get my words mixed up all of the time. I mean to say one thing and say another. Jess tells me that it is one of the things he loves about me. phew.

3. I love Clorox. I love how it smells after I clean with it. I use it more than should, and I have ruined linoleum from not using it right, but I love it. Along those same lines, I have to scrub my tile kitchen floor. I can mop other floors, but my kitchen floor has to be down on my hands and knees scrubbed. My sisters think I am weird.

2. I drool. It is a serious problem. It s family related, because, although I will not name names, there are others with the same problem. In high school, I would be concentrating so hard in class, that all of the sudden, there would be drool on the desk and I would get so embarressed and hurry and wipe it up. Luckily, no one ever noticed.


1.Well, THIS is another family trait:

Ok, the pictures at the top should be here. Pretend they are for effect.

A few of us, including my dad , do this pose when we are relaxing. So weird, but SO relaxing. Try it...........................................................................................................................................................................

What did YOU think?! When I am talking on the phone or watching a movie, you will often find me in one of these two ways.

So now you know a little about my oddities, but I am sure that you still find me facinating. Just to be fair, next we I will brag about my most awesome qualities! j/k

Now I tag: Cortnie, Katie, Dee, Rachel, Irene, and Bonnie

Good Luck and Have Fun!


Bonnie said...

About #2: Luckily, you never knew we noticed! Mwahahahahaha. j/k!

Jill said...

Hey Shanna!
Sorry I didn't write back after your first comment. Anyways, it is so fun to see you and hear from you again! I loved our Wyview days...and I remember you and your twins. How fun!
I'll have to put you on my google reader so I don't lose your blog.
Thanks for your comments!!

Liz Cheney said...

I have 4 chin hairs and they are BLACK!

Tiffany said...

You kind of are quirky! =) Maybe I don't want to be friends anymore.... Just Kidding! Hey to make you feel better, I also get 3 hairs around my jawline (that 2 of are black) that I am constantly plucking as well! I do the same thing when I am in the car and feel it, I try my hardest for hours trying to 'pluck' it out with my fingernails to no avail. I think its a getting older thing that we all get! We are just woman enough to admit it!

chrissy said...

Yay! I'm glad you played along.

We have a few things in common...

I love Clorox, too, but I've banned it from my house :( I somehow get it all over whatever clothes I'm wearing when I clean with it. And I don't like cleaning nekked, hence the banning!

And I have weird hairs, too. One of them is on the left side of my nose, and another more towards my chin. They're white, so I don't notice them growing until they're totally long and ugly! RRGG!

PS, Those pictures were so funny! :)

Tiffany said...

Yes, what Jaclyn said was true! Baby #5 is on the way! I have been forbidden to post it on the blog because a few distant family members have not been told yet. But when they are told, the truth will come out! =) How's your back?? I was sad that you weren't at the BBQ. But I knew that your back must still be giving you trouble.

Anonymous said...

Those pics are really weird! Umm... not so comfy, you goof! But on the brighter side, your lipgloss looks great in those pics (even if you are doing weird things with your eye brows ;) You are the only one I know that buys loipgloss in bulk, picture it with me, come on, picture it... a gallon bucket filled with lipgloss, and a paint brush for applying the gloss ;) You do make me laugh!